7è Cros de Vilanova del Vallès

Vilanova del Vallès 19/11/2022
List of inscriptions of the event
  • Modalities list
  • Cros escolar (339)
  • 339 of 498
Cros escolar
Filtered results: 339 from 339
Pos. Dorsal Name Gender Time
339 256 castro guillen, meritxell 00:18:35
338 462 varón chao, iker 00:18:15
336 358 turull, martina 00:18:14
336 266 isabel escalera, didac 00:18:14
334 267 rodriguez garcia, aitana 00:16:05
334 393 cochrane batet, tom 00:16:05
332 264 vila cabrera, candela 00:16:02
332 324 masllorens, guinot 00:16:02
331 259 gil lluch, alba 00:15:05
329 268 godoy morillo, lola 00:14:47
329 360 peralta, ian 00:14:47
328 34 bleda, lucia 00:14:42
327 50 gamero, alba 00:14:41
326 49 fernandez, jana 00:14:40
325 15 cortés, oscar 00:14:39
324 61 vila, edith 00:14:38
323 12 ortiz, sara 00:14:37
322 475 panza sanchez, arian 00:14:36
321 39 sanabria, clara 00:14:35
320 37 morgade, aina 00:14:34
319 6 fuentes, erik 00:14:33
318 13 rodriguez, carla 00:14:32
317 32 vilarrasa, claudia 00:14:31
316 33 pocurill, gina 00:14:30
315 326 masllorens, tigist 00:14:29
Shown results:
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