7è Cros de Vilanova del Vallès

Vilanova del Vallès 19/11/2022
List of inscriptions of the event
  • Modalities list
  • Cros escolar (339)
  • 339 of 498
Cros escolar
Filtered results: 339 from 339
Pos. Dorsal Name Gender Time
110 237 espada peinado, pablo 00:04:51
106 119 lorenzo pérez, nico 00:04:47
133 194 coloma vázquez , marc 00:05:30
132 494 mira román, arnau 00:05:29
127 185 contijoch alonso, leo 00:05:22
123 192 viesca batlle, àlex 00:05:12
122 108 melero león, pol 00:05:11
120 118 bravo morillo, leo 00:05:10
117 193 rebollo gelpí , aran 00:05:04
116 186 ruiz nadal, gerard 00:05:03
115 120 geira rolán, biel 00:05:01
114 195 marie greth hernández , yann 00:04:56
112 121 morant martí, aleix 00:04:55
111 115 irizarri perez, aran 00:04:53
108 472 vidal altemir, joel 00:04:50
106 197 camacho, thiago 00:04:47
93 339 vilafranca, jordi 00:04:34
64 479 el achoury, naser 00:03:51
76 122 suárez salmanova, damián 00:04:06
68 337 viñas, armand 00:03:53
69 338 martinez calvo, sergio 00:03:54
71 395 muñiz mateo, egan 00:03:55
72 441 helble ordoñez, guillem 00:03:56
73 401 sust hlusiak, noak 00:03:58
74 289 garcía allas, mateo 00:04:03
Shown results:
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